Sunday, January 10, 2010

[GA news]

I just have to say that this guy rocks!


Grey's Anatomy Continues To Accept Homosexuality But Discriminates Against People With Cancer


Mercy West residents have stormed Seattle Grace. Owen keeps snubbing Yang, favoring some Mercy West goon's ideas AND picking him over her for a surgery. I can't stay objective in this week's plotline review. OWEN'S BEING A DICK!

Callie's father shows up with a priest to save her from a sinful life of disgusting homosexuality. They battle with Bible verses. But then Arizona has an inspiring talk with Callie's Dad and transforms him into a man of enlightened tolerance. Lexi's assigned to a burglar who got beat up with a golf club, but a Mercy West BITCH keeps showing her up. The burglar steals her secret diary and gives it to Lexi, Lexi burns her with it, but feels bad. Lexi teaches the burglar that stealing is wrong. Izzie almost kills somebody. The chief fires her. She leaves Alex and vanishes.

So much for the plotline. Let's scrub in.

First of all, what the fuck's up with the Chief? He's morphing into a bureaucratic drone. It's like when Obi-Wan chops off Anakin's arm and lights him on fire and then Anakin gets reconstituted as a robot with black armor. It's like that. Kinda. That made more sense in my head when I thought it. But the Chief looks bleak and evil. Watch for him to start choking people with The Force. James Earl Jones Voice: "As a result of the merger, your services are no longer needed at Seattle Grace."


There was a whole sickness and health vibe to the episode. Of course you'd expect that on a show about a hospital but the metaphor was blatant this week, making up the substance of Meredith's whiny reflections about life that open and close the show.

There was the issue of the new Mercy West residents infecting Seatlle Grace, and how the hospital would achieve its own system of health in the service of health. Izzie tries to buddy up with a new guy, but it turns out that he's just using her - he calls her his "surgical bitch". When they argue, he tries to explain how it's every man for himself over at Mercy West and she counters with the notion that the health of Seattle Grace hinges on a kind of interdependence where everyone has each other's backs.

Lexi, Alex, and Yang all have little competitions with residents from Mercy West, with the ultimate message adding up to the need to work together, that the competition itself was the illness.


And then there was the whole issue of Callie's homosexuality being an illness that her Dad hoped to cure. She seemed to defeat her Dad in a Bible verse-off between passages that condemn homosexuality and Jesus accepting everything, but I don't really see the possibility for full-on acceptance of sexual diversity until we finally collectively outgrow the religion that underscores our monomaniacal emphasis on One Truth. Ultimately, Arizona teaches Callie's Dad that his intolerance was the real sickness, so he accepts Callie in spite of the brutal fact of her eternal damnation. The lesbians win this round.


A note, Izzie? Fuck you. I hate it when people leave notes. I lived with this girl, Jill, who cleaned out our apartment and left a note. And she didn't even have cancer or get fired. She just said I was a self-centered jerk who had no clue what a woman needs.


When that patient was going to attack the other patient for sleeping with his 19-year-old daughter, he lunges at him... with a hammer. I live with a nurse so she holds the show to a higher ideal of Realism than I would otherwise be able to, so Jenna raised a pretty good question: "Why the hell is there a big ass framing hammer in the ER?!?"

Jenna's growing dissatisfied with Grey's Anatomy this season, bringing the sickness theme out of the show and into our marriage. She may need a vacation or something. Or maybe she should see a shrink or go on some meds. How would I know? I'm just a self-centered jerk who has no clue what a woman needs.


Please note that last week I inquired about the possibility of bringing Preston Burke back, asking how long he needed to be penalized for calling TR Knight a faggot. I'm not saying it's not horrible. But, hey, TR Knight is gone now and you can bet your ass that Isaiah Washington is cured of popping off at the mouth with the "faggot" word. So this week, Yang has a meltdown about how she can't go on living without heart surgeries and how bad she misses... BURKE.

I smell it. The ink on Washington's contract.

Anyway, Yang was hysterical and sobbing and I felt compelled to enfold her in my arms and tell her "You're not going anywhere, Yang. You're the HEART of this hospital and this show.". But then I wondered if maybe she was crying about how unfair it was that Kate Walsh got her own show while she remained with such a floundering cast.

God, I love Kate Walsh's mouth.

Anyway, a Yang spinoff could potentially save my marriage. We could abandon Grey's and watch the Yang show, which I think should be called Yangalicious! or I Heart Yang! or Yang! Yang! Shot Through The Heart.


Conflict abounds. Who will lose their jobs? Where is Izzie? Did Sloan take the week off? Is the Chief a Sith Lord? Was that dead guy REALLY George? What's up with Denny? Will I ever understand women? And Yang? What's going to happen to my heart: Cristina Yang?


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