Saturday, April 22, 2006

[floorball training]

today's floorball training was alright to say the least. i had some doubts about it at first cause we obviously have to do some or maybe alot of running before playing actual games. but it turned out we only had to run a few rounds around the court so it wasn't as bad as i expected. but then again maybe its the first training and they didnt want to scare us off. who knows. hopefully it continues this way. then it was game time. i have to say it was definitely the high point of the day. my team was great. Hames,Faizal,Azhar,Rizuan,Tai,Nick,Me and Sha. it was amazing to see how fast we can work as a team. great games. super tired when i got home. then had to go to my cousin's house for her so-called birthday party. bumped into zafirah at the PR interchange. funny girl. i think she called me liyana or something. then salam my maid instead of my mom. hahaha! she was damn embarrased. i was laughing all the way. after that reached cousin's house and ate. had some fun there and got my ass back home. actually,i think i got something else to blog about but i seem to have forgotten what is was about. so i'll just end here. bye.


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