Saturday, July 15, 2006


alright. here i am. sorry for the lack of updates people. been busy. so anyways,before anything.


ok thats over with. so world cup is over and italy won. no surprise there though i was definitely supporting france. Zidane did an awesome job headbutting materazzi. haha! he totally deserved it. hah.
school has been abit hectic nowadays. with presentations and projects and cca etc etc. tests have been aplenty too. sickening. results for mid sem tests were crap. i barely scraped through. oh well. the long holiday after Os really didnt help. haha! it was fun while it lasted. anyways,the bowling coach rocks. very funny guy and quite understanding i think. eh liyana and fazli DEPAN COACH!! haha! they'll know what i mean.
i'm buying a new yoyo. its a lyn fury and im totally psyched about it. haha! i hope its a great yoyo. its gonna cost me like $30.95? yeah. ive heard good reviews about the lyn from other yoyoers. hmm. i wonder when i'm getting it. lets just wait.
oh and call me slow,but i seriously dont know how to upload(???) pictures in my entries. can anyone help me? i'd be eternally grateful. heh. by the way, i am craving for new york pizza. but somehow i havent been making the effort to go and get it. haha. i'm a lazy bum,seriously.
i love pool,i really do. its easy to get hooked on it. i've been hooked onto it since that fateful day when i played with jeremy and jian wei. it was during class gathering. haha! oh and dear friends, could any one of you who knows how to hit a shadow ball, please please a thousand please teach me how to do it? i'm practically begging you. sigh. desperate me. anyways,come on dear friends,ask me out for pool. jeremy,jae,syaza and all u poolers(is there even such a word?). come on. haha!
okay. i hope this extremely long entry makes up for the lack of updates. hehe. if i dont update too often,i'm sorry. i'll try my best alright. see ya. take care.


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