Monday, September 18, 2006


actually i've been thinking about what to type in this entry but now that i'm on the dashboard,i forget everything that i wanted to say. damn. i think i sorta remember bits of it though. well, here goes.
the other day my aunt wanted to go to a wedding but her daughter couldnt go with her so she didnt have any company. my family members are shy people. haha. anyways,so she called my mom and asked me to go with her. being cheerful that day i decided to follow her. it would be fun. so i got dressed in traditional baju kurung. haha. what did ya think? a dress? uhm yeah so my mom put lipstick and other shit fug makeup on me. yuck! then my aunt arrived and i opened the door. she suddenly burst out laughing. i was surprised. after that i just went around the house waiting for her to get ready. then she blurted out to my mom "dulu mase kau beranak orang cakap budak ni tk lawa. sekarang kau tengok ni. berape lawa." translation: last time when u gave birth people said that this kid was ugly. now look. how pretty(??) she is. haha. now i'm not the kind who would brag about beauty. i know i look like fug. but damn man. to think i was called ugly when i was only an innocent baby. dude thats just over the top! hah. well,i guess i was just a hated child. anyways,i found out later it was my other aunt who said that. it didnt quite matter. we hate her. haha. then i started thinking. if my family member said i was ugly,what next? maybe i'll find out that my friends hate me? wow. i guess nothing much surprises me anymore.
well,fasting month is coming up real soon. i guess i'm ready for it. but all the running around in school is sure gonna tire me out. sheesh. i cant imagine. recently mom asked me whether i wanted to sell biscuits during the fasting month. i was like "yeah!" haha. i was obviously thinking about the money we'd make from it. hee. it would take me one step closer to getting my xena dvd. damn i cant wait. but then again,baking biscuits is gonna take alot of time. what if it takes till late at night to finish baking. and i have school tomorrow. argh! stupid school. if it were up to me,i would have stopped going to school after my Os. hah.
darn it. i'm not making much progress in getting money for the dvd. aunt's not giving me weekly money and so is dad. damn. for once i want school to start. just so i can get some freaking cash. haha. this is like the opposite of what i said previously. funny. sigh. i dont know anything anymore.
i guess i should go now. this is making me more depressed. oh well. wait till i get those dvds. i am so psyched. good bye. and dont bother looking for me. i'll be watching porn. hah. as if.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


this is what it looks like. haha. nice right? i know. sigh. it can only be found in the US. so yeah i'm saving money to buy it. its gonna cost be about $305. yup. now i only have $170. another $135 to save. hmm. oh yeah i lost the bid. sigh. not my luck i guess. well,i hope my luck gets better.

anyways,the westlife concert was alright. quite fun. me and sarah were shouting like maniacs. haha. its always fun to have a crazy person accompany you to a concert. we had a few close encounters with the westlife lads. nicky and kian were hot. haha. but they weren't as nice as the backstreet boys. i mean yeah they were great. but the you know the backstreet boys really love their fans. hmm. i'm really not in the mood to write this review. haha. sorry people. i'm really down now cos i cant get ^^. yeah so be prepared for more sad shikin. wahaha. ok thats crap. good bye.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


i've got a bad news and a good.
good news: i think i've found a way to get the xena dvd.
bad news: i need money. quite fast i guess. now i got $140 to spare. i think i need another $100. that is if i win the bid. if i dont then maybe i need more money. haha. shit why am i laughing. okok. so wish me luck or say a prayer for me that i win this. thanks alot. i hope that the fasting month wont stop my aunt and dad from giving me money or else i'm in deep shit. sigh. i also hope that the money i will hopefully get during hari raya will help too. sigh. i know. i am in deep shit now. damn. well,call or sms me if u wanna help. ahaha. as if in a million years anyone will. well,i gtg now. bye.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

[R.I.P steve irwin]

R.I.P Steve Irwin

well yes i know i'm abit late on this but i was busy. anyways,i think this tragedy needs to be known. yeah i know steve irwin had an irritating way of conveying his message (which is conservation) to people,but his efforts were and still are commendable. to me at least. eventhough his high energy and fast-and-semangat voice is,i admit,annoying to see and hear,i find that he actually was a really great guy. his death left his wife,Terri, and 2 children,Bindy and Bob,at a loss. he will be greatly missed and his work will be remembered by others forever(???). anyways,sadistic as it may seem,i want to see the video they took of him getting stabbed in the chest by the stingray and then pulling it out before dying. i quote that 'He once said "If I'm going to die, at least I want it filmed." But Steve Irwin's manager(stupid guy) says the videotape of the "Crocodile Hunter's" final moments should be destroyed.' it was not what steve would want. steve would have wanted us to see how he died. haha. as if. but damn i bet alot of people would want to see that. they should let us see it!

anyways,today i reluctantly dragged my ass to spgg for bowling training. not to mention the fact that i had to beg my dad for money just to pay off the fee. sheesh. troublesome like fug. now i am practically scraping for money. but it turned out to be okay in the end. the training was good. i managed to achieve a personal record number of strikes. i was over the moon. haha. the game wasnt too good though. still havnt achieved the promised 100 and above score yet. hah. oh and the bowling club tshirt is quite small seh. abit disappointed but i think i looked ok in it. haha.

so after bowling training i decided to try my luck to search for the xena dvd. yeah i know aaggaaiinn *rolls eyes* .hah. who cares. i want it. so i went to heeren's hmv. amazing array of cds,dvds,movies. whoa. everything was there. except xena the warrior princess. -_-". the guy at the counter was a jerk. bleah. then i went to citylink's hmv. no luck either. but the guy at the counter was helpful. guess what i found out? nothing much. *sarcastically* just that seasons 2 to 6 cant be ordered cos they havnt been approved by the film board of censorship. wanna know why? its cos they contain alot of fight scenes so it "my take awhile to be released or may not even be released". imagine my anger at that time. sheesh. and to think that shows like wrestling which also contains gory fight scenes like bloodied faces and tack poking on the bodies of wrestlers are being sold like pancakes everywhere. damn was i furious. so i started thinking. the only way now is to get the dvds through the net(which would be freaking troublesome without a credit card,not to mention money) or get them overseas. i dont know if malaysia sells them. i have doubts. cos malaysia is stupidly similar to singapore(no offence to malaysians)in terms of shit like this. it drives me mad. i'm starting to hate singapore. and its not only because of this. sheesh. if only i can get somebody to help me. a good samaritan of some sort. or even a generous friend. or maybe i could get the dvds as a birthday present or something. ANYTHING!!! i just want those dvds badly. dang it. i feel like crying now. must be those damn hormones. alright i think i better end here. please GOD,please give me a sign. please tell me how i can get those dvds or find me an angel who would get them for me. please i beg of YOU. amin.

oh and its only a day left till the westlife concert. i'm actually looking forward to it. haha.