Monday, April 27, 2009

[fast and furious]

hahaha! nice title eh? i think so too. Evidently, I recently went to catch Fast and Furious 4. With Amira no less. Always bring someone who can understand and like the movie you are about to watch. Haha! Anyways, frankly I was kinda worried that the movie would turn out bad considering the fact that its supposed to be a continuation of The fast and the furious. But I was definitely pleasantly surprised to find the movie absolutely awesome! Full of action and not to mention full of Vin Diesel. Haha! Its such a big progress from The fast and the furious for sure! Kudos to the directors and producers la. Love the action, the cars and of course Vin Diesel. Hee. My eyes were watery from start to finish. God knows why I tear when I see something exciting. Oh well. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Next up: 17 again and maybe X-men Origins.

Anyways! Yesterday was the chalet hosted by the cousins. It was ok. Had to go over to their house earlier than the rest of the family to help transport the resources to the chalet. And there were tons of stuff to be transported. Not to mention loads of family members too. After that, went back to fetch the rest of the family. The point of me posting pictures of the Kia Cerato here is not because I own the damn car. Its not even my picture la. Hahaha! Okok. Its just that a cousin borrowed his friends car for the day. So he drove to the chalet to transport his family. He owns a Hayabusa by the way. Just felt like adding that. So the dumb bro wanted to go home earlier because he wants to watch tv. Dumb right? I know. So actually the plan was that another cousin would send him home since they're leaving earlier to have dinner at Novena. But they were so slow. So the dumb bro kept asking me to send him home la. But the Kia Cerato was blocking my baby. So I asked him to move the Cerato la. You know what he did?! I still can't believe it till today la! He just passed me the damn key to the Cerato! And its a manual car! WAH SEH LIAO! By now you'd have known how I feel about manual cars! I didn't even think twice or confirmed it with him. I just freaking took the keys and drove out! Abit awkward at first but I got the hang of it. FUCKING EXHILIRATING LA FUCK! OMG! I so love manual cars. When theres no slopes that is. Oh jeez. I was smiling like maniac the whole time after that. People were looking at me weirdly but I hardly cared. I was too happy. And now I'm up like super early for no reason. Forgot to take pictures yesterday la. So no pictures for you. In case you were wondering what cars were present.. Theres a Black Mitsubishi Lancer, a White Mitsubishi Lancer EX, a Purple Nissan Latio, a Grey Kia Cerato, a Black Honda Civic. Hee. Ok dah.


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