Wednesday, July 26, 2006

[bad day]

alright today was supposed to be a good day. on the way to school i bumped into some friends. it was nice to see them. nice that day still actually remember me and my name. so i saw michelle my ex-classmate from PRCS,fasha who is actually in TP right now. and i met syaza who apparently shocked me when she pulled at my shoulders. scary shit early in the morning. went to take the train with syaza. she was her usual crazy self. constantly talking on the phone.

now comes the bad part. my locker was actually opened and the 3 toolboxes inside are all gone. no, it wasnt opened by me. someone did. somebody bad. an asshole. the best part is that we have to use the tools tomorrow for project 1. i havent done the sensor circuit so i went to my locker to get them. hah. what a surprise huh. there goes my project 1 marks. hope ms cassandra low understands our situation here. anyways, i called wenna, my aunty and my dad. sheesh. got some lectures from them and i need to make so many stupid decisions. god i am so useless. anyways, i went to the student and alumni affairs office to make a report but they bloody hell could'nt do anything and just adviced us to make a police report. i was all bumbed out by the thought. but luckily wenna went and make the report for us. so many phone calls in one day. i am so tired out. so in the end i went home. bought some food from macdonald's and rushed home to devour it. too hungry.

i guess thats all for today. it hasnt been a good day for me. i just hope all goes well. i need to sleep. good bye people. wish me luck. and take care.


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