Wednesday, August 30, 2006


past few days or weeks i think i've been keeping late nights. mostly playing game. DOTA to be exact. no i'm no pro. but i try my best. i'm a noob. haha. but damn cool la. my classmates still ask me to play with them eventhough they know i suck. thanks raymond. =D

well,i've almost finished watching the first season of xena the warrior princess. damn cool lor. i love it when ares appears(which isn't often). sigh. so before i get withdrawal symptoms from not watching it,i better get the second season quick. planned to go to heeren with sly tomorrow or today to be exact but the plan was cancelled cos i had to settle my financial problems. haha. see this is how i think: my concession has expired so i need to buy a new one. that costs $45. i've got about $110 currently. buying new concession is top priority because i need to take the mrt to somerset or whatever. if i use the $45 from the$110 then i'd be left with around $65. then i think again. if i go all the way to heeren and actually found the dvd and not buy it wouldn't it be
a waste of my and sly's time? of course. so i'd better get more money then. since my aunt gives me $50 a week,i asked her for an advance for next week. thing is,she got pissed off and only agreed to it after boiling my ears with things i didn't think i did. so whatever i just said 'okay bye'. so the concession is settled. i still got my $110. then comes another problem. the dvd i bought was $107 so i'm guessing the next one will cost around the same. which leaves me with $3. not that i'm complaining. but then,i think my friend ashley expects me to pay for my new yyj yoyo by this week. the yoyo costs $30 or $29 ,whatever. and since its the holidays,i won't be getting any allowance from my father. which again,makes it even tougher. i need to pay her. shit. i'm in a dilemma. so thats why i cancelled the shopping trip with sly and changed it to thursday. hah. see if i could think of something during the short span of time. as the westlife song goes "where's the miracle i need now?". hah. hmm.

ok i guess this is long enough. hmm. i guess i'll end here. good night.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

[decoder anyone?]

well here i am sitting on the floor with my laptop on a box typing this while mosquitoes are flying around sucking my blood. sigh.
the pass few days have been very depressing for me. i cant seem to find what i want anywhere. you'll know what i want if you read the previous 2 entries. its disappointing to hear one after another salesperson say "sorry we do not have that." and telling me they're not sure of where i can find them when i asked. sigh. i dont know. it just saddens me. i gotta get them somehow.

oh and does anyone of you have a dvd decoder? my laptop used to be able to play dvds until it was reformatted. damn. so i cant play any dvd on my laptop unless i got a dvd decoder. i'm asking the IT-pro from my class but i dont know if he's doing anything since the exams are here but then again they're almost over. oh well,if any of you do happen to have a dvd decoder please please please can you lend it to me? or tell me where i can get it.

speaking of exams,i am pretty sure i screwed them bad this time. i cant do a single question for PEEE. haha. asswipe. DE was crap too. now all thats left is engineering maths. i hope i can do well for this one. since the rest are all gone case. hmm. school sucks. class sucks. life just sucks.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

[stupid board of censorship]

i found the first season of xena the warrior princess and bought it. it cost me a bomb. i'm now broke. hah. great.

but the crappy thing is when i asked about the other 5 seasons the salesperson told me that they were still at the film board of censorship. totally crap i know. i mean the show was aired like 5 or 6 years ago and the board still has them? what the hell? they can rate all the new movies so fast but how long does this take? surely 5 years is more than enough. sigh. i guess i'll have to wait huh. or maybe get them from somewhere else. sheesh.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


i have finally found out that there are 6 seasons to the Xena the Warrior princess tv series!!!

but i'm still searching as to where i can get those dvds or vcds. hmm. i'm going to loyang point tomorrow to take a look. anybody got any suggestions as to where there is a possibility that Xena the Warrior Princess tv series is being sold? please tell me. thank you.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

[ares my love]

does anyone of you recognise this guy? well,if you do good for you. if you dont then i'll tell u. he is kevin smith and he plays Ares The God Of War in the tv series Xena the Warrior Princess. he is also dead due to injuries suffered from a movie shoot. what a freaking waste. he was really hot. in fact he was the first crush i ever had. i fell in love with his character the moment i saw him.

i loved his hair.

i loved his eyes which are intense but vulnerable at the same time.

i loved his beard/goatee.

i loved his awesome chest with just the right amount of hair on it.

i loved his strong arms.

i loved him 'cause of his personality(at least as Ares) and his caring and loving nature towards xena.

well,if anyone who watched the tv series would know why i feel this way. anyways,he died a long time ago when he was 38 years old. i think it was about 4 years ago. yeah 1963-2002. he was a great actor. Kevin Smith was to "Hercules" and "Xena" what James "Spike" Marsters currently is to the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV show -- funny, forceful, an undeniable presence. He brought a real joy for life to the entire Hercules/Xena TV mythology, whether playing Ares as a vengeful menace, a farcical dupe, or a vulnerable lovesick puppy dog. He had it all: the dancing eyes, the rippling muscles, the sexy goatee, the crack comic timing. Plus he could sing like an angel! He won't be forgotten. He will be missed. very missed in fact.

though i know i am freaking late,they say ''better late than never.'' i read of his death in the newspapers at that time but i didnt realise how incredibly stupid i am not to care that much about it. well,4 years later here i am saddened like a freaking emo kid. bleah. i suck,i just suck. a sappy kid who got nothing to do but sulk. sigh.

ok here's the report:

Kevin Smith was climbing a film prop designed like a castle when he fell on to a stone base, causing the head injuries that led to his death.The actor had been drinking but was not intoxicated, his agent said yesterday.Robert Bruce gave details of the New Zealand actor's death in China on behalf of Smith's wife, Suzanne, and family.He said the accident happened on Smith's last day on the set of the movie Warriors of Virtue II, and no one saw it. Smith had arranged to finish filming early so he could return to New Zealand and spend time with his family before heading to the United States. He was to enter a Navy SEALS "boot camp" to prepare for his next role, acting alongside Bruce Willis in Hawaii.Mr Bruce said he understood Smith drank a couple of beers, ate dinner and took a walk around the Central China Television film studios while he waited for a ride to his hotel. The studios are in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of the Hebei Province, 250km southwest of Beijing."He went for a wander around the film set and there was this castle-type film set structure which he climbed and fell," Mr Bruce said. "We don't know why but he was found at the base of that with head injuries. "On film sets there are no bars or anything like that. If you have a couple of beers it's because someone brings in a six-pack at the end of the night."He did not know how much time elapsed before Smith was discovered, semi-conscious. Mr Bruce said Smith's family had visited the film set where he died and had told him the structure was about three storeys high.Smith was taken to a local hospital and then transferred to Beijing in the early hours of February 6.At the Beijing hospital he fell into a coma and did not regain consciousness.After several days, Smith showed signs of recovery, but his body went into shock, said Mr Bruce who had told Friday night's Holmes television show that the injuries were not life-threatening. He learned early on Saturday that Smith had died. Mr Bruce said there were no suspicious circumstances and police were not investigating the accident. An autopsy was not carried out.Asked if climbing a film prop was something Smith would normally do, Mr Bruce said: "This was one which must have taken his fancy as a lookout."I guess if you put yourself in the same position, you've finished filming, you're in the studio, some people have gone home, you're waiting for a lift and wandering around. Some of these sets I've been on are absolute works of art. "So yeah, there'd be a certain amount of interest [in this prop] I'm sure."

anyways,i guess i'l end here. thank u for reading my whinings(???) and my being so emotional,i cant stand it. oh and to anybody who happens to see the dvd or vcd of Xena the Warrior Princess complete series,please either inform me straight away or just buy them for me. thanks alot. good bye. take care. hope u'll have a great week.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

[the truth]


Monday, August 07, 2006

[westlife concert!!]

TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$120, S$100, S$80, S$60
Please add to above price $2 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets below $20. Charges include GST where applicable.
Approx: 2 hrs


so.... anybody planning on going? haha! i think i most probably going. haha! oh well thats all. see ya. take care.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

[a prayer]

Ya Allah, cintailah mereka yng mencintaku.maafkanlah dosa-dosa mereka.tenangkanlah fikiran mereka dan jauhilah mereka daripada musibah yng bakal melanda kerana mereka adalah segalanya bagiku dan aku berterima kasih kepadamu Ya Allah, kerana telah mencipta manusia namanya kawan bukan teman istimewa yng tidak akan putus apa-apa dgnku dan tidak akan lari dari sisiku.

yes i know i leeched this off fasha's blog. but it is something really special,to me at least. and since she's the one who wrote this down,i guess it means alot to her too. like her i always pray for my friends. for them to be well,successful etc. i dont expect my friends to return the favour. but i think fasha is my friend right? so i'll repost what she said so as to return her the favour. not that i feel that i have to but its just cause i want to. i feel it is good that we pray for our friends. fasha if u happen to see this,thank you for the prayer,it really means alot. here it is back at ya. haha. be strong man. we've still got a long way to go.

on another note,sorry for not updating. been trying to cut down on using the electricity. so last tuesday was the last bowling training. quite relieved but also sad at the same time. exams are just around the corner and tests are in abundance now. i am so going to faint soon. sheesh. PEEE practical is a confirm failure for me. i couldnt get any of the measurements. raaa! oh well. school just sucks la okay. and dont even try to convince me that it doesnt. mann. anyways, jia yi is facing some shitass problem with her parents. they are apparently very unreasonable. ah long story. i just pity her. bleah. i dont think i can make it through the mid sessional tests. i feel liek crying already. my fucked up classmates are so kanchiong about everthing. i feel very stupid. maybe i should'nt have picked this course. maybe.... ah i dont know. maybe i'm not making the effort. the thing is.... aiya no use saying.

now i am like obsessed with the eagles and the backstreetboys AGAIN! haha. not like i wasnt before la. haha. i just love them can? it only takes one interesting conversation about them to make me slobber all over them again. come to think of it,i still cant believe i went to the eagles'AND the backstreetboys' concert in singapore! its like freaking phenomenal! sigh. mann,sometimes i am just too lucky. hmm. well,now i am watching the music video of backstreetboys' drowning. i love this song man. i get this tingly feeling everytime i hear it. haha. okok enough gushing. i guess i'd better be off now. goodbye people. take care.