Sunday, August 06, 2006

[a prayer]

Ya Allah, cintailah mereka yng mencintaku.maafkanlah dosa-dosa mereka.tenangkanlah fikiran mereka dan jauhilah mereka daripada musibah yng bakal melanda kerana mereka adalah segalanya bagiku dan aku berterima kasih kepadamu Ya Allah, kerana telah mencipta manusia namanya kawan bukan teman istimewa yng tidak akan putus apa-apa dgnku dan tidak akan lari dari sisiku.

yes i know i leeched this off fasha's blog. but it is something really special,to me at least. and since she's the one who wrote this down,i guess it means alot to her too. like her i always pray for my friends. for them to be well,successful etc. i dont expect my friends to return the favour. but i think fasha is my friend right? so i'll repost what she said so as to return her the favour. not that i feel that i have to but its just cause i want to. i feel it is good that we pray for our friends. fasha if u happen to see this,thank you for the prayer,it really means alot. here it is back at ya. haha. be strong man. we've still got a long way to go.

on another note,sorry for not updating. been trying to cut down on using the electricity. so last tuesday was the last bowling training. quite relieved but also sad at the same time. exams are just around the corner and tests are in abundance now. i am so going to faint soon. sheesh. PEEE practical is a confirm failure for me. i couldnt get any of the measurements. raaa! oh well. school just sucks la okay. and dont even try to convince me that it doesnt. mann. anyways, jia yi is facing some shitass problem with her parents. they are apparently very unreasonable. ah long story. i just pity her. bleah. i dont think i can make it through the mid sessional tests. i feel liek crying already. my fucked up classmates are so kanchiong about everthing. i feel very stupid. maybe i should'nt have picked this course. maybe.... ah i dont know. maybe i'm not making the effort. the thing is.... aiya no use saying.

now i am like obsessed with the eagles and the backstreetboys AGAIN! haha. not like i wasnt before la. haha. i just love them can? it only takes one interesting conversation about them to make me slobber all over them again. come to think of it,i still cant believe i went to the eagles'AND the backstreetboys' concert in singapore! its like freaking phenomenal! sigh. mann,sometimes i am just too lucky. hmm. well,now i am watching the music video of backstreetboys' drowning. i love this song man. i get this tingly feeling everytime i hear it. haha. okok enough gushing. i guess i'd better be off now. goodbye people. take care.


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