Friday, July 28, 2006


first of all:

you are 18 now. be sure to take care and behave yourself . well,hope you have a great one. God bless you.

anyways,today i decided to skip the first lesson because i was totally tired out and cant seem to wake up. so yeah i got another 2 hours sleep. then got ready for school. met up with liyana and fazli then took the train. bumped into jeremy and mahir. went to the classroom but saw noone there. so went to the toilet first. after that came back and saw a few classmates. we were confused as there was noone else around. clarence called the others and later found out that class was cancelled. great huh. a long trip to school for basically nothing. oh well,at least there was no class. so went straight home. hah. ok i guess thats all for today. see ya soon. take care. have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

[bad day]

alright today was supposed to be a good day. on the way to school i bumped into some friends. it was nice to see them. nice that day still actually remember me and my name. so i saw michelle my ex-classmate from PRCS,fasha who is actually in TP right now. and i met syaza who apparently shocked me when she pulled at my shoulders. scary shit early in the morning. went to take the train with syaza. she was her usual crazy self. constantly talking on the phone.

now comes the bad part. my locker was actually opened and the 3 toolboxes inside are all gone. no, it wasnt opened by me. someone did. somebody bad. an asshole. the best part is that we have to use the tools tomorrow for project 1. i havent done the sensor circuit so i went to my locker to get them. hah. what a surprise huh. there goes my project 1 marks. hope ms cassandra low understands our situation here. anyways, i called wenna, my aunty and my dad. sheesh. got some lectures from them and i need to make so many stupid decisions. god i am so useless. anyways, i went to the student and alumni affairs office to make a report but they bloody hell could'nt do anything and just adviced us to make a police report. i was all bumbed out by the thought. but luckily wenna went and make the report for us. so many phone calls in one day. i am so tired out. so in the end i went home. bought some food from macdonald's and rushed home to devour it. too hungry.

i guess thats all for today. it hasnt been a good day for me. i just hope all goes well. i need to sleep. good bye people. wish me luck. and take care.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


i thought today was going to be the worst bowling training ever. it was in terms of training. but i guess its good in terms of the way we throw/swing the ball and also score. awesome shit. coach helmi wasnt there 'cause apparently he is overseas for some bowling tournament. woohoo! go helmi. heh.
anyways,this other coach,i've never seen him before. he seems damn arrogant. and he is. insulting person la basically. not going to explain further just gonna say that he made my blood boil. but our favourite coach,coach adam,finally arrived! woohoo! we were so happy and relieved. adam totally rocks la. i can safely say that i love him. haha! i'm such a "MANiser" (is there even such a word??). but yeah we all love him. he is helmi's father. haha! so he is old. haha. but who cares. he rocks. sorry for being repititive(spelling???).
on the first day of bowling training adam guaranteed us that if we were to bowl the proper way,our score will never be lower than 100. well,after one month of training,this is the first time i've gotten past 100. i got 119 by the way. it was an awesome feeling. everyone was greatly improving,it was intense. there were strikes after strikes and spares after spares all around. fuh. amazing stuff. the best part was when i did a nice throw or was it a spare and he said "depan coach!". haha! hilarious.
oh and we're supposed to get our own bowling balls. damn. as if its not expensive. but they said it will do us good. i dont know. i'm in quite a tight situation right now. i guess i'' think about it. lets see what liyana and fazli thinks. and maybe then i'll decide what i should do. sigh.
i guess thats all for today. tired out man. i still need to build that bloody sensir circuit for project 1. sheesh. i gotta do it soon. well,i got to go now. good bye people. take care and good night.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

[hold on now]

well an uncle(sort of) who is from indonesia visited. the first thing he said to me when i stepped in the house was "nurul ni sentiasa cantik eh." which means nurul is always pretty. now i dont always regard myself as pretty. i am ugly infact. so that was a nice surprise to me. it made my day. haha! woops? i need something nice what. u cant blame me. =D. enough of the happy talk. the food at home yesterday was not nice so i asked mom and dad to buy some for me. they were'nt happy and scolded me. hah. no surprise there. i was so pissed off with them. when they got home, mom even got the cheek to say " mcm boring aje" which means like boring only-direct translation. i didnt say anything. just showed her my pissed off face. so i went to bed with an empty stomach. sian.

i thought today was going to be a better day. but it turned out worst i suppose. afterall,it made me cry. i almost broke down in front of my parents and my aunty for fucks sake. sheesh. my heart cant take it anymore. i was really psyched to go to tampines mall because after a few days for thinking about whether to buy the toy pool or not,i decided that i want to. i already told them i wanted to go to toys r us to get a TOY VERSION OF POOL. they seemed fine with it. so we went to toys r us. i found what i was looking for straight away. the price is fucking expensive la to say the least. but i wanted it. i almost got it. when suddenly my dad says "what?! u want this?! so small its for kids! its not for adults! dont waste you money!". well,naturally mom supported him. aunty was a bit sympathetic. wanted to get for me but in the end listened to my parents. hah. great,just terrific. and the best part is,as i've stated above,i already told them i wanted to get a TOY POOL. so obviously a toy is a child's play thing. thats why its in toys r us and thats also why its smaller that the real thing and also its why CHILDREN play with it. good god! ok thats over with. then comes the other part. well,the food at home has been a bit uhm idontknowwhattosay lately. so since mom and dad keep going out this few days,i thought they could get me something to eat. well,like before i got scolded time and again. also i have expressed my desire to eat new york pizza to them before. but they didnt get it for me. so i stopped asking. i asked them about it once only btw. so anyways,we passed by the new york pizza stall and dad suddenly stopped. then said " eh tunggu. nak tengok pizza ni ah. belikan pizza untuk jaar(azhar-my brother)." i was going like what the fuck?! i asked them and they scolded the fuck out of me. my brother didnt say any shit and he gets it. raaa! god i swear i almost fucking broke down there and then infront of them. i held it all back. and god help me i was about to shout and swear and curse at them and anyone else who was in my way and kept banging into me. but again i held it all back. i thought of the consequences if i did. patience is a virtue.

anyways,i think im getting too emotional these days. its like fucking weird lor. i never used to be this sad, and down before. not forgetting that i can easily cry nowadays. ish sick. to me crying is like showing my weakness. i used to just laugh at sad shows and people who cry watching them. but now i end up crying with them. its weird. its getting harder and harder to control the tears from flowing out. sigh. i dont know. i think i need to be stronger.

now i am at home. worrying about the sensor circuit that i had to do before thursday. u see,i left my toolbox in school. hah. oh and not forgetting the toy pool that i never got. hmmm. i am sad and depressed. so dear friends please do me a favour and dont piss me off. goodbye and take care. remember patience is a virtue. sheesh im becoming some sort of confucius. eee.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

[oh the humiliation]

i cant go home late anymore. well at least not now. moms been making noise. damn sian.
anyways,ive been wondering whether to buy the toy version of pool. haha! for what u ask? to practice at home la! after getting a thrashing the other day i am so in need of practice. sheesh. ok do give me feedback on whether i should buy it or nt ok? thanks.

today was okay i guess. until the part when me,liyana and fazli were on our way home in the mrt. weird la seh. very difficult to describe with words. ok so visit liyana's blog to get the story from her point of view. her blog's link is under the links section of this blog. anyways,kamilah was the first person we bombarded this story with. poor kamilah. haha! we had to tell somebody! it was almost bursting from our mouths man! hah.

well tomorrow school ends at 1130am. haha! early right? i know. my timetable rocks sometimes. and i start at 10!!! so cool. but waste time la. go there for 1 1/2 hours only. its PEEE for heavens sake. raaa! mapek. but i dont have a choice. hmmm. i wonder what the hell i'm doing. sigh.

oh well. i guess i better go now. tired out to the max. not to mention insulted. so anyways. have a great weekend people. good night. take care.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


as promised. heres the poem about me. done by my good friend aaron lim shi fan. touching as hell. I LIKE!!! thank you aaron! really appreciate it. thanks thanks. enjoy,everyone. i hope you guys will love it just like i do. =)

Her voice firm and stout
Her hair swept in curves that wow
Covering the grinning face that was endowed
Slowly she trods towards you
All too familar
That was it
The shikin we knew
Slow and steadfast
But never below

She plays the yoyo like a pro
Like hell she steals the show
School never a confidate to her
Sometimes she likes it
But usually the opposite
We can't blame her
It all like that
School work, projects and stuff
Because of that her foe
As a result her nerves now easily frayed
As her emotions cruelly betrayed
To everyone's dismay
A shadow of herself
People say 'come on la boy'
She says 'shudapp la bitch'
Tried and listless
She stumbles into a heap

The show continues people
Guess what.. Steve brown to the rescue !
Not Mr Brown mind you
With eyes that kills
A smile that thrills
He rids her heart of it
In place.. a rising euphoria
Before a blink of an eye
She is took off with a start
Like smallville's clark
Thats all she need
And that's what steve did
He swept her of her feet !

Unharmed and unscathed
And without a scratch
Our girl is back
With a tough looking exterior
But soft spirit
The shikin we all knew

Monday, July 17, 2006

[sympathy please!]

ok i have come to realise that i need sympathy from others. for heavens sake just notice my presence man. i mean,i'm like the last one everyone notices. am i like invisible or something? i cant be cos im obviously freaking fat and large so anyone can see me. oh well. its just my luck i guess. afterall, ive been through this shit for the past 10 years or more of my life. whats another 10 right? damn it. nevermind. patience is a virtue.

and i am seriously hating school right now. the people in my class totally suck. i think im starting to see glimpses of the real world now. how people act. its not like last time anymore. last time was like i dont have time to do this or i dont know how to do this and friends will be more than willing to lend you a hand. but now haha now its all crap. people will totally roast you when you ask them for help. they wont even let you see their paper for reference for fucks sake. when i ask them whether i can see their paper they'll go,go do yourself la. and only just now i faced another asshole. he's smart i admit. but dont act big can? we're supposed to do a program and email the answer to the teacher. i dont know how the fuck to do that bloody question. so i asked him for the answer lor. it took a good 10 minutes to convince him to give it to me. and he even said "i send u but u dont email the teacher". i mean what the fuck! got to hell la bastard. think ur work so good isit?! god damn it. god i cant stand it. i know i'm a stupid girl from a stupid,never been heard before school la. but no need to act so good right. knn. i think i seriously need to study harder just to get through this shit hole. i dont think i can make it through otherwise.

anyways,me and fazli had to wait for liyana and amalina while they went for the changi ambassador crap. so much for 1/2 hour ey liyana. well me and fazli drifted off to dreamland in the cafe which we were chased out of a few minutes later. haha! sad man. we were hungry,tired and bored. not a good combination. me and fazli finally saw ayee or whatever his name is up close. not bad looking la. hah. and fazli remember that promise ok. dont go shooting ur bloody mouth around. sheesh.

well tmr is bowling day. hopefully its going to be great. and i also hope that tmr is a better day. i need some loving. wahaha! kidding. i just need a hug. sigh. alright. i guess i'll end here. thanks for listening(???) to my rantings. take care.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


alright. here i am. sorry for the lack of updates people. been busy. so anyways,before anything.


ok thats over with. so world cup is over and italy won. no surprise there though i was definitely supporting france. Zidane did an awesome job headbutting materazzi. haha! he totally deserved it. hah.
school has been abit hectic nowadays. with presentations and projects and cca etc etc. tests have been aplenty too. sickening. results for mid sem tests were crap. i barely scraped through. oh well. the long holiday after Os really didnt help. haha! it was fun while it lasted. anyways,the bowling coach rocks. very funny guy and quite understanding i think. eh liyana and fazli DEPAN COACH!! haha! they'll know what i mean.
i'm buying a new yoyo. its a lyn fury and im totally psyched about it. haha! i hope its a great yoyo. its gonna cost me like $30.95? yeah. ive heard good reviews about the lyn from other yoyoers. hmm. i wonder when i'm getting it. lets just wait.
oh and call me slow,but i seriously dont know how to upload(???) pictures in my entries. can anyone help me? i'd be eternally grateful. heh. by the way, i am craving for new york pizza. but somehow i havent been making the effort to go and get it. haha. i'm a lazy bum,seriously.
i love pool,i really do. its easy to get hooked on it. i've been hooked onto it since that fateful day when i played with jeremy and jian wei. it was during class gathering. haha! oh and dear friends, could any one of you who knows how to hit a shadow ball, please please a thousand please teach me how to do it? i'm practically begging you. sigh. desperate me. anyways,come on dear friends,ask me out for pool. jeremy,jae,syaza and all u poolers(is there even such a word?). come on. haha!
okay. i hope this extremely long entry makes up for the lack of updates. hehe. if i dont update too often,i'm sorry. i'll try my best alright. see ya. take care.

Monday, July 10, 2006


that dirtbag fazli asked me to do this. since i pity him too much,i will. and also to make up for not posting much. haha! i'll update in the weekends? no promises though.

Say 7 weird and random facts about me

1.i play with YOYOS!!! WOOHOO!

2.i am suddenly attracted to soccer?

3. i love playing pool.

4. i think im sadistic. hmm.

5. i hate it when my hair is long. its long now.

6. ive got about 9 yoyos at the moment.

7. im too nice although i do have a rough exterior. -__-"

k ppl..its torture time..muahahahaha..ppl to do dis are:
1.ain(payback time dude!! haha!)