Monday, January 17, 2011


okay i cannot believe i didn't type my thoughts about the video in. sorry baby. anyways this is in reference to the video i said i was going to fuck the other night. i have it in my phone now. haha! i thought yes he looked mind-blowingly dashing and all that but he should have unbuttoned a few buttons so he'd look i don't know.. even more mind-blowingly dashing? if that is even possible. anyways, on today's or rather yesterday's performance on inki, that's exactly what he did. i wanted to slap myself so freaking hard. HE ALWAYS DOES THIS! its almost like we have some telepathy shit going on.

I couldn't take my eyes off GD though. omg he was so perfect in that suit! he wasn't even wearing any accessories which i love because then nothing can hinder can hinder him from jumping and flying all over the stage! his suit! i fucking love the colour and again.. I JUST mentioned that GD should wear more suits and that when he does wear a proper suit he looks extraordinarily awesome. THERE HE GOES wearing a suit! but then again.. GD rarely disappoints. so i'm not really surprised that he looks good except that he chose one of the darker shades of my favourite colour. SQUEAL! and his shoes and his hair and THE SPECS! his hyperactiveness, playfulness and his SMILES! i just about passed out from his perfection.

looks like maknae Seungri has been working really hard. word is he's on his way to Thailand for some event along with some other kpop idols who i don't know about. he's been looking really good lately, but sadly, he knows it and he tends to flaunt it. vain guy. lol. as long as he doesn't go all racist and/or disturb my SS501 boys, i'm fine with it.

anyways i just saw a video that made me cry. some kind soul made a fan-made mv of TOP's Oh Mom. Actually, I never wanted to know the translations to this song because he explained that he wrote this song for his friend who is sick? this song wasn't slated to be in the GD&TOP album but he pushed for it to be included, which clearly shows how much this song means to him, which in my eyes and mind shows how much that friend means to him. it has been bothering me whether the friend is a male or female and that is why i never wanted to know the translations. but someone on twitter reblogged this on tumblr and i just had to know. so i watched it and i cried like so many who have watched this video before me. it is perfectly made by the way. THANK YOU! but i cried not only because the song was sad but also because to me it has a hidden meaning in that i derived the friend is probably a female (because he wouldn't write a song calling the friend pretty, if the friend is a guy) and that he has gotten really attached to her and could possibly love/ like her (because that's what guys do. they fall in love with the girl they're close to). although i have sorta given up on ever acquiring him, there's something that just keeps me holding on that much longer. if it was what i normally encounter, i'd have given up long ago and it would be so easy like all the others before it. believe me when i say, i've tried giving him up. tried focusing my attention elsewhere, but nothing ever works and i end up missing him even more and wanting him even more. when i'm having a bad day, i miss him. when i don't get what i want, i miss him. when i feel disturbed, i miss him. when i feel needy and horny, i miss him. my mind never wonders far from him, no matter how much i try. i want to ask for God to help me, but i think wanting him keeps me normal and not stray too far away like i did for 6 years. i want someone to miss even if he's imaginary, even if i know i'll never have him. who knows maybe God might decide to give him to me. so i'm going to have to continue on with this misery and i'm going to be happy about it.

Just watched GD&TOP's performances on KJE's Chocolate and they're not bad. I really like GD's tie and his performance of 악몽. it wasn't as noisy as it was in the cd. so its good. I must say though, I got distracted for most of the performances because all I could see was balls. Especially on Oh Mom (read:ending). I couldn't look elswhere. So if you ask me which was my favourite performance from chocolate, the only one i remember was GD's 악몽 so i'm going to say that. oh and since i can say whatever i want here, i really get uncomfortable watching TOP's movements sometimes and the way his fingers just keep pointing to somewhere . i cringe at them. i prefer GD's movements. his are more sure and fluid.

anyways, went to wak ila's house on saturday after picking mom up from work. had dinner out with her and hung out at her place. helped wak mail with his facebook on his galaxy s tab. i mentioned that i wanted to get an iTouch. he said he'll look into it for me. usually if anyone says that, it'll mean they'll get it for you. but for him, he'll really just look into it for you and would probably get it for you first but you'll have to pay him back. actually in this case its pointless because the itouch is being sold at a fixed price. so yeah. sucks. not expecting much from him since they've never given me a birthday present. but they're really nice people plus they're family. if he's gonna get it for me first, i'm going to have to pay in installments. can't possibly pay him all at once. i'm constantly broke. especially after knowing Big Bang. not really complaining though. haha.

okay i guess i gotta go now. for some reason i'm sleepy again. ugh. it seems i never get enough sleep no matter how long i sleep. my teeth are starting to hurt again. oh did i tell you the new dentist installed some shit inside so i can hook some rubber band which is supposedly going to help will getting my teeth to grow out inside of in. i'm supposed to take off the rubber band when i eat and put it back on again after eating. i have to change it daily too. its easy enough i guess. i kinda can't wait to see if a piece of rubber can actually help something as solid as a teeth grow to its desired place. and i realised my face is like the backside of a dirty frying pan. FML. guess that's all for today. see you soon.


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